The much hyped Dell XPS 13 Ultrabook has finally arrived in India. The laptop sports a 13.3" screen with a relatively thin bezel. According to specifications, the XPS 13 is 18 mm thick and weighs less than 1.4 kg. For toughness, its base has been made of carbon fibre, and display is protected by Corning's Gorilla Glass.
Dell lets you choose configurations based on the Intel Core i5 2467M and Core i7 2637M. Others specs include 4 GB of DDR3 RAM, 128 \ 256 GB SSD, Intel HD 3000 graphics, LED display with pixel dimensions of 1366x768, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0, and 1.3 MP webcam with dual array microphones. The company claims that the 47 WH 6-cell battery can keep the device up for almost 9 hours.
The XPS 13 comes with Windows 7 Home Premium, and is available at the starting price of Rs 80,000. It can be bought from the Dell exclusive stores and other electronics retailers throughout India.
Dell lets you choose configurations based on the Intel Core i5 2467M and Core i7 2637M. Others specs include 4 GB of DDR3 RAM, 128 \ 256 GB SSD, Intel HD 3000 graphics, LED display with pixel dimensions of 1366x768, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0, and 1.3 MP webcam with dual array microphones. The company claims that the 47 WH 6-cell battery can keep the device up for almost 9 hours.
The XPS 13 comes with Windows 7 Home Premium, and is available at the starting price of Rs 80,000. It can be bought from the Dell exclusive stores and other electronics retailers throughout India.
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