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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Website Traffic Generation Secrets

This article is going to be very welcomed by most of you especially if, like most people that wanted to generate instant traffic to their websites, you ended up losing money every single time that you bought traffic. So unless you are a Pay Per Click expert, the website traffic generation secrets that follow will be much appreciated.
And here is why: You will not want to pay $1 and over for getting people to visit your websites, when you can have them visit for next to nothing or for free even, when you follow the strategies that I am going to explain.
You see, to actually pay for traffic, especially with Google AdWords, you have to get your ads approved which is not always easy, and then you risk sometimes getting your account banned suddenly for violation of advertising policies that may be you are not even aware of.
If this was to happen to you, you would feel like tearing your hair off; imagine losing all the hard work you put in your site to get approved and in your ads to be effective and also passed by Google. No, you don't want your account to be shut down.
The next best thing you may think of is to use free methods like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and while this does work, think of all the different pointers of SEO that you have to consider for them to work well at once, to produce the desired results which lets face it, if they happen they will take months to arrive...
What are those pointers? Well I was meaning things like the ones normally used: Titles with main keywords in it, meta tags, description tags, headings, link building and keyword research not to mention page optimization and many more different things than help delaying the required results unless all are working together well.
It is a subject that can be frustrating for a lot of people and besides why depend as well from the major search engine for your traffic to your sites? This is really risky as many marketers find out from time to time.
You could do a lot better than paying for traffic and not relying only from the traffic of the major search engines. And the main thing is: getting a lot of traffic without paying a cent for it! That is what you could aim for and you are going to get it.
And you know what? The best thing about creating your own free traffic is that you can control it, it depends on your efforts and they have nothing to do with the big 'G' so you can be certain your website will always have many visitors to bring you a lot of money consistently.
Now let me go to the 'secrets' so to speak about traffic generation techniques that boost visitors to your website. Really to start with, having articles written around a small group of keywords related to the products that you promote in your website, can bring a lot of visitors to your site.
Also doing quite a lot of the easier methods of generating almost instant traffic for your website, such as, in addition to the mentioned article marketing, blog and forum commenting about related websites and content. You have to do Social Marketing and press releases too.
Social Marketing, is what you do when you engage with your target audience, interacting with communities that have the same outcomes in your niche. You can also take advantage of Squidoo and HubPages as well.
Both Squidoo and HubPages are authority sites that you can use by building one-page lenses (in the case of Squidoo) targeted around specific keywords of the content of your site; HubPages too can be used in the same way as well as allowing you the opportunity of including squeeze pages to capture email addresses and the names of your new subscribers.
The search engines love those sites and the back-links you get from them can push your website further up the rankings. See, all that commenting on other marketer's blogs and in forums, plus the interlinking with Squidoo and HubPages and the back-links from article directories also, create a lot of traffic to your site.
And how about press releases? They are also an effective way of announcing news from your company, like an event, new product campaign, a new discount, promotion and so on, provided they are really more informative than being used as an ad. Make them one page long, and inform your market of new developments of your products and services.
I did not say much about article marketing even though I asked you to start with that, but really, think in terms of having targeted content out that provides very useful info about the services and products you promote. Imagine the exposure you would have by having your articles in popular article directories such as and the weighty back-links coming from them connecting with your bio box.
Yeah, if you do a search for the best article directories and submit articles to them, your site will benefit tremendously from that activity. Actually in your bio box of your articles, consider using it like a short commercial and even offer freebies like a report, an eBook of related content or even a free script or video.
These are a few methods that you can use to bring many visitors to your website, and all right, they take time to implement but are absolutely free and are controlled by you, leaving you free from sudden frights of the powerful top search engines that could otherwise shut you down when you least expect it.
Focusing in connectivity within your niche, interchanging ideas, exploring new free ideas for traffic generation and keeping the momentum, will bring unlimited amounts of targeted traffic to your website which is exactly what you want.
To your success
German Calvo.
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